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CSPR participates in the SIDA CSO activity in Uganda


The SIDA CSO programme with support from the DefendDefenders (East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project) who are the programme Technical experts in civic space is this week attending a meeting taking place from the 19th and 20th of December 2022 inKampala, Uganda.
The meeting seek to strengthen the work of human rights defenders by reducing their vulnerability to persecution by governments in various countries by enhancing their capacity to effectively defend human rights, across the continent and in the East and Horn of Africa region respectively.
The the programme is attending is also aimed at providing the SIDA CSO programme a shared and learning opportunity intended at bring together representatives of child rights organizations, other child rights actors and Save the Children representatives to exchange experiences and understand how to monitor and document issues related to civic space.
The SIDA CSO programme is being presented by the Country office and 4 programme implementing Partners namely; Caritas Zambia, Civil Society for Poverty Reduction, Jesuits Centre for Theological Reflection and the National Child Rights Forum respectively. Others in attendance are SCI County offices representatives from, Malawi, Rwanda, Ethiopia and Uganda.

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