#CSPR has emphasized the need for Zambia to adopt and advocate for the United Nations (UN) Tax Convention, which has potential to increase revenue collection by curbing tax avoidance and evasion.The UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation is a proposed new legal instrument intended to better coordinate international tax policy.
Speaking at the #CSPR CSO and Media Capacity Building on the UN tax convention in Lusaka,#CSPR Board Vice Chairperson, Isaac Mwaipopo, said the Convention has potential to strengthen Zambia’s fiscal autonomy, enabling the country to invest in critical sectors such as health, education, and infrastructure. Mr. Mwaipopo advised the media and key stakeholders to amplify the call for a more just and inclusive international tax system.
And Ministry of Finance and National Planning, #mofnp, Lusaka-Zambia Principal Budget Analyst, Kapembwa Namuyemba, said Zambia is currentlyone of four African countries in the Steering Group of the OECD Inclusive framework, which is the highest technical governing body of the Inclusive Framework. Ms. Namuyemba noted that as an active participant, Zambia has the opportunity to ensure that the concerns of developing countries/smaller African nations are taken into account in the discussions.
Meanwhile, Tax Justice Network Africa TJNA) has noted that Zambia’s annual losses on account of Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs) are currently estimated at US$88.6 billion. Network Representative Ishamel Zulu said in his presentation that this is a conservative figure, given that some forms of IFFs cannot be properly computed, such as drug or human trafficking and less sinister tax abuse by commercial entities which is not always illegal.
The #CSPR CSO and Media Capacity Building training was designed to equip the participants with valuable knowledge and skills,which will enable them to effectively raise awareness and advocate for tax justice at national level and equitable global tax system.
This activity is made possible with financial support from JCP Zambia