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Successful Ten-Day World Bank Mission Evaluates Voice and Accountability Project Impact in Sinda and Vubwi Districts

The Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR) facilitated a just ended ten-day implementation support World Bank mission visit in Eastern province’ Sinda and Vubwi districts from July 15th to 23rd, 2024. The mission aimed to assess the progress and impact of the Voice and Accountability (V&A) project in these districts.
A key component of the mission was a two-day field visit, during which the team met with district education officials, visited schools, and engaged with community members to gather insights on the project’s impact. The findings revealed significant improvements in community knowledge, school grant compliance, and women’s participation in leadership positions.
The mission demonstrated that the V&A project has made a positive impact on community empowerment in social accountability culminating in improved education service delivery in Sinda and Vubwi districts. The partnership between CSPR and the World Bank has been successful in achieving shared goals, and this collaboration will continue to drive progress towards a more accountable and responsive education sector.

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