Plot No. 406, Kudu Road, Kabulonga, Lusaka
+260 971 815 349


Happy Earth Day

  The Civil Society for Poverty Reduction  (CSPR) joins the rest of the world in commemorating this year’s Earth Day whose theme is “Invest in our planet”. Earth day provides an opportunity to creates awareness about the environment and is a call for all citizens to reflect on the state of our planet and our…
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CSPR Voice and Accountability Project Implement Social Accountability Training In Katete

The Civil Society for Poverty Reduction Zambia (CSPR) Voice and Accountability Project with support from the World Bank has held a four days training of trainers workshop for selected Provincial Program Management Team (PPMT) members from Katete, Mambwe, Sinda and Vubwi districts. The training is from 4th April 2023 to 7th April 2023. The training…
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Voice and Accountability Project Records Success At Lui Wanyau School

The Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR)Voice and Accountability (C&A) Project Staff , the Partnership for Transparency Fund (PTF) staff, in the company of Ministry of Education Senanga District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) Planner conducted a field visit to Lui-Wanyau Primary School one of the Projects sights to familiarize themselves on the project. The School…
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CSPR holds two days training in policy analysis

CSPR with support from Norwegian Church Aid under the fight inequality project commenced a two days training in policy analysis being held at Palmwood lodge in Lusaka. The main objectives of this training is to capacity build programmes staff, network members in policy analysis and project implementation. The training also seeks to provide a platform…
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CSPR participates in the SIDA CSO activity in Uganda

The SIDA CSO programme with support from the DefendDefenders (East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project) who are the programme Technical experts in civic space is this week attending a meeting taking place from the 19th and 20th of December 2022 inKampala, Uganda. The meeting seek to strengthen the work of human rights…
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CSPR trains 24 Ward Development Committee members

CSPR trained 24 Ward Development Committee members from 3 wards, Kashikishi, Nchelenge and Chilongo wards of Nchelenge district. The training which was supported by IM-Swedish aimed at empowering the WDC to appreciate the content of the 8th National Development plan, this will enable them to effectively and efficiently monitor the plan to be implemented from…
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The joint CSPR/World Bank/MoE team dates Eastern Province

The joint CSPR/World Bank/MoE team that was visiting Eastern Province monitoring impact of the Voice and Accountability project on schools and communities took time on Wednesday November 2, to pay a courtesy call on the Provincial Permanent Secretary Mr. Paul Thole at his office. During the visit, Mr. Thole reiterated his government’s commitment to support…
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CSPR , Members of Parliament convene to discuss climate change

CSPR held a lobby meeting on climate finance, climate legislation and the 8NDP programs on climate change on the 26th October, 2022. 25 members of parliament, the First deputy Speaker, parliament staff and partners on the VCA were present. This meeting was aimed to establish the role of Members of Parliament in issues of climate…
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OSISA and JCTR, CSPR conducted a community sensitization event in Nabukuyu Village, Monze

With support from OSISA and JCTR, CSPR conducted a community sensitization event in Nabukuyu Village, Monze-Southern Province on Wednesday 14th December 2022. The main objective of the event is to enhance sensitization of community members on the effects of public debt on service delivery in key sectors such as education and health. This was done…
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CSPR holds accountability training in Choma and Monze.

CSPR with support from UNICEF, is currenting holding a 6days training in Southern Province Choma and Monze under the project “Expansion of deepening accountability in budget execution and service delivery. The training is aimed at providing rural communities with the resources they require to effectively advocate for better budget execution and service delivery in their…
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