Plot No. 406, Kudu Road, Kabulonga, Lusaka
+260 971 815 349

CSPR Network Members

1. Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection
2. Support to Older Persons Zambia
3. Forum for Women Education in Zambia
4. Media Institute for Southern Africa Zambia
5. Media Network for Child Rights and Development
6. Consumer Unity Trust Society
7. Zambia Social Forum
8. Treatment Advocacy and Learning Coalition
9. Zambia Land Alliance
10. Operation Young Vote
11. Zambia Alliance of Women
13. Programme Against Malnutrition
15. Centre for Trade Policy and Development
16. Zambia National Women’s Lobby
17. AVAP
18. Sustainable Innovations Africa
19. SaFaids
20. SANI Foundation
22. Alliance for Accountability Advocates Zambia
23. Civic Forum for Housing and Habitat
24. Rural Child Hope
25. CARITAS Zambia

1. Chimwemwe Organisation for Promotion of Early Childhood Education and Development
2. Youth Development Foundation (YDF)
3. CARITAS Chipata
4. Zambia National Women’s Lobby (ZNWL)
5. Young Women Christian Association (YWCA)
6. Anglican Children Project
7. Foundation for Democratic Process
8. Girl Guide Association of Zambia (GGAZ)
9. Lobby and Advocacy
10. Chipangali Women’s Development Association
11. AVAP
13. God’s Children Blessings Foundation (GCBF)
14. Jumbe Anti-Gender Based Violence Youth Development
15. Foundation for Democratic Process
16. Chipata District Farmers Association (CDFA)
17. Lobby and Advocacy Youth Programme (LAYP2050)
18. Save The Girls Sinda
19. Pentecostal Assemblies of God (PAOG)
20. Young Happy Healthy and Safe (YHHS)
21. Chitsitsimutso

1. Mansa District Land Alliance (MDLA)

2. Luapula Families in Distress (LUFAUID)
3. Care for Nature Zambia (CNZ)
4. Mansa District Women Development Association (Mansa DWA)
5. Women Care for Vulnerable and Orphans (WOCAVP)
6. Youth Advocacy for Change (YAC)
7. Group-Focused Consultation (GFC)
8. Integrated Youth Advocacy (IYD)
9. Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (PPAZ)
10. Girl Guide Association of Zambia
11. Anti-Voter Apathy Project (AVAP)
12. Mansa Red cross Society
13. CARITAS Mansa
14. Mansa District Farmers Association
15. Vision Africa Regional Network (VAREN)
16. Centre for Future Generation (CFG)