Plot No. 406, Kudu Road, Kabulonga, Lusaka
+260 971 815 349

Decentralisation and Civic Engagement

CSPR has been working to influence policies that have direct impact to sustainable livelihoods.  The organisation will continue to engage strategically with diverse stakeholders who have direct and indirect contribution in achieving the strategic focus of the organisation for a common goal. These stakeholders range from governmental institutions, legislators, local authorities, likeminded organizations, media as well as development partners for a strengthened voice.

SO5:  To expand and decentralize the public spaces for civic engagement and participatory sustainable development at the national and local level.

To influence full implementation of the decentralisation policy

Key Implementation Strategies

  • Popularise and localise the National Planning and Budgeting Act
  • Lobby for the enactment of the replacement and enactment of the revised NGO Act.
  • Support the establishment of local community and local governance institutions for the actualisation of decentralisation at District and national levels.
  • Campaign for improved Civic Space which guarantees protection and voice for human rights defenders, civil society and citizens on policy and political matters.
  • Strengthen the sustainability and effectiveness of civil society networks and coalitions in national development planning and SDGs processes.
  • Advocate for a decentralized governance system which empowers communities to demand and realise their economic, social and cultural rights.
  • Strengthen Advocacy Communication and Information Sharing within CSPR Network.
  • Systems strengthening of the Ward Development Committees for improved citizen engagement and effective community representation.