Plot No. 406, Kudu Road, Kabulonga, Lusaka
+260 971 815 349

Project Category: Social Security and Justice

Accelerating Citizens Efforts towards Pro-poor National Development planning and implementation.

The “Accelerating Citizens Efforts towards Pro-poor National Development planning and implementation” project is financed by IM Swedish and implemented by the CSPR. The goal of the project is to influence the inclusive and transparent implementation of the pro-poor programmes in the 7th National Development Plan by 2022. The project which is being implemented in Mufumbwe…
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Fostering Child-Led Accountability in National Planning and Budgeting

The ‘Fostering Child-Led Accountability in National Planning and Budgeting’ project is supported by Save the Children International. The overall objective is to promote child-centered social accountability for increased resource allocation and public expenditure on the realization of children’s right to protection, survival, and development in Eastern and Luapula Province. The specific objectives are: To enhance…
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Expanding Civic and Fiscal Space for Child Rights in Zambia

The Expanding Civic and Fiscal Space for Child Rights Project (2022-2026) is a five-year project being implemented by CSPR in partnership with Save the Children and the Swedish government. The goal is to build Zambia’s post-Covid19 political, civic, and economic environment for children’s development, survival, and protection by 2026. The project has the following objectives:…
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