The Expanding Civic and Fiscal Space for Child Rights Project (2022-2026) is a five-year project being implemented by CSPR in partnership with Save the Children and the Swedish government. The goal is to build Zambia’s post-Covid19 political, civic, and economic environment for children’s development, survival, and protection by 2026.
The project has the following objectives:
- To advocate for enactment and operationalization of the national legal and policy frameworks which expand children’s civic and participation rights by 2026.
- To influence Zambia’s Post 2021 Economic recovery strategies which enhance public financing to education, health and social protection in the 8th National Development Plan and Sustainable Development Goals by 2026.
- To empower children and community groups in Southern and North-Western Province to participate in monitoring the planning, budgeting and utilization of Constituency Development Funds and mining revenues for the benefit of children’s rights.
- To strengthen the capacity of local CSOs in responding to civic space violations which affect Child Rights Programming and Child Focused Budgeting in Zambia by 2026.
The Project is being implemented in 8 wards of Choma and Solwezi Districts in Southern and NorthWestern Provinces and is targeting over 10,000 children during the 5-year implementation period.
The overall aim of changing legislation which stifle the public space for civil society and citizen as well children’s engagement. It will also influence Economic policies and strategies aimed at addressing the economic challenges in Zambia so that they do not disadvantage the children.
All the activities will be implemented within the framework of the Child Rights Programming approach. The key strategies used in reaching the project goal are; Research, Capacity strengthening and Child Participation.