Project Overview:
CSPR in partnership with UNICEF has been implementing a project titled: Expansion of Deepening Accountability in Budget Execution and Service Delivery Phase II. The project seeks to equip 4 rural communities in 4 districts of Zambia with the tools needed to successfully advocate for improved budget execution and service delivery in their communities and uses a mixture of traditional social accountability approaches, such as community scorecards at the local level, and policy and budget influence at the district, provincial and national levels.
The focus of the project is also on pro-poor services in agriculture, education, health, social protection, and water and sanitation with a special attention to social protection programmes. This phase of the project started on 1st November 2022 and will run through to 31st October 2023. Its geographic scope is two districts in Western Province namely Mongu and Senanga and the other two districts in Southern province namely Choma and Monze.
Strategic focus area Of the Project:
This Project is being managed under the Youth and Women Economic Empowerment, and the strategic focus area is “To facilitate local community access to women and youth empowerment opportunities aimed at promoting and achieving sustainable livelihoods for poorly resourced communities and households in Zambia.