The Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR) Southern province Provincial ProgramManagment Team (PPMT) held a social Accountability training for duty bearers in Monze and Choma respectively. The Aim of the training was to build the capacity of duty bearers who will be expected, to respond to citizens engagement on service delivery and accountability, contributing to the improvement of dialogue between citizens and duty bearers and increasing transparency. The duty bearers were drawn from the health, education, Agriculture, water and sanitation, infrastructure and social Protection sectors.
The objectives of the training were to have an effective and meaningful participation of duty bearers in monitoring of the 8th National Development Plan at both District and Provincial level. Increased awareness among duty bearers on the available opportunities and spaces for monitoring.
The training created awareness among duty bearers on the available opportunities and spaces for monitoring the 8NDP at district and provincial level as well as effectively engage with local government on provincial development programs.