The Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR) organized a training session on Child-Centered Social Accountability (CCSA) with a focus on gender and climate change considerations. This event took place in the Choma district, Southern province on March 7, 2024. This event is part of Save the Children supported projected titled, “Expanding the Civic and Fiscal Space for Child Rights in Zambia.”
The main aim of this training was to raise awareness among children in schools on children’s rights, gender and climate change. Additionally, the training sought to build children`s capacity in advocating for their rights and apply Child-Centered Social Accountability common approaches, tools to hold government accountable for improved public social services delivery. Ultimately, the training enhances and threngthens collaboration between children and stakeholders.
The training focused on four schools where CSPR established Child Rights Clubs: Adastra, Mapona, St. Mulumbwa, and Choma Primary Schools.